The Chateau LaRoche
The Historic Loveland Castle Located in Loveland, Ohio
Founded by Harry Andrews and Owned and Maintained by The Knights
Of The Golden Trail (K.O.G.T.)
If ever you're in the Southwestern Ohio region near Cincinnati, I suggest that you take the time to visit the Chateau. It is truly a one of a kind structure and well worth the pittance they ask to tour it. They use the monies they receive from admission to maintain the Chateau. Call 513-683-4686 for information, hours and directions. K.O.G.T. is a non-profit organization.
View from the HUGE parking lot towards the main entrance to the Castle...
The photos on the mantel are almost all of Sir Harry Andrews--Founder of K.O.G.T. and builder of the Castle..
Sir Harry slept under the domed ceiling (made of river rock) until someone shot at him through the skylight...
The Ten Commandments carved in stone by Sir Earl Seibert
The French Ballroom--where most of the meetings of the K.O.G.T. are held.....
From the south entrance of the Fosse...
From the Formal Gardens...
From the top of the hot beds south of the Greenhouse...
K.O.G.T.--"Knights Of the Golden Trail".
Harry's bedroom from the Fosse--dry moat
Facing north into the Fosse...
The Battledeck from the Fosse
Sir Randy in the Fosse...
The Breezeway window from the Fosse...
Harry's office is to the right of the picture of President Regan and there is a picture of Harry "Dubbing" Sir Joe Frye
Another view of the gameroom....
Twisting stairs leading from the first floor gameroom to the second floor--so narrow only one person at a time can go up or down at a time...
Far right side of the game room--to the left of the archway is a totally functional kitchen (minus the stove--Knights RARELY do housework!) that has an on-grade insulated floor. How did Harry DO that?
One of the many Flowerbeds...
A lot of people are married at this arch--Sir Joe is an Ordained Minister....
The Breezeway leading from the second floor French Ballroom into the Chapel--TOTALLY enclosed...
The Chapel
Every REAL Castle has to have an armory...
The K.O.G.T. Greenhouse--LOTS of one-of-a-kind plants on the property
Working Level Hot Beds Built Into Hillside  Amongst Flower Gardens
Modern Castle "Dragons"
The Flowers at the Castle are started from seed each year....
Flowers are everywhere in season...
There are hundreds of different plants--many are unique to the Castle and only one other greenhouse in Ohio....
Looking out from theGameroom into the parking lot...
See? Working, smiling--all Joe...
This is Sir Joe--Seneschal of the Castle-and he is always either working, smiling or playing the harmonica.....
The man never stops--Sir Harry taught him that........
The work never ends.............