Example of Information for Orders:
Name of Bookmarker or Craft/Crochet Item:
Color you want (if different than shown):
Ribbon color (if different than shown (or if applies):
Total of order:
Your Name:
Your Email Address:
(One little glitch with using Pay Pal. They charge me 3% + .30 per transpaction which I have to pass on to you because my prices are pretty low and remember this is for my Transplant fund and meds, not for profit/business. Sorry :( but it does give everyone another option for purchasing/helping me. Thank You)
For those of you who have used Pay Pal, you are familiar with the process, for those of you who are not, who have never used it, here are the instructions on how to do that. Here is the site link below.
Once at their site, you will see a place that says "Join PayPal today". 'Sign Up Now', click on this box, it takes you to a page that says: Sign Up for a PayPal Account .
Follow the directions for a Personal Account. It will ask you for your personal information: Name, Address, Phone, email address etc. (this is a secure site (SSL Secured 128Bit). After you complete all the information, they will send you a notice that you can use the Pay Pal System. In order to purchase my products using Pay Pal, here are the instructions for AFTER your sign up and registration with Pay Pal are completed.
You will Log In to your Pay Pal acct, Then click on Send Money, You will put my email address in the Recipient's email box Raven824@comcast.net (my email). Then the $$ Amt of your order, Then currency (US Dollars) and then Category of Purchase, Goods (other) or (Non Ebay). In the section that says email subject and Note: You can put what articles you are ordering and prices etc. (you can always email me direct with this too before hand and we can figure out the cost, whatever is convenient for you) After you complete this section it takes you to a page to confirm your order/information. From here I receive an email with your order etc.
Please let me know if you have any problems with my instructions or getting an acct.